


Myth 8: All Pain Can Be Eliminated Completely

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel emphasizes that while modern medicine offers effective pain management solutions, complete elimination of pain is not always possible. The goal is to reduce pain to a manageable level, improve quality of life, and enhance functionality. For some chronic conditions, ongoing management is necessary.

Myth 9: Pain Management Is All About Medication

Truth: While medication is a valuable tool in pain management, it’s not the only approach. Dr. Hitesh Patel highlights that a comprehensive pain management plan often includes a combination of treatments, such as physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and minimally invasive procedures. The right mix varies depending on the patient’s condition and needs.

Myth 10: Pain Medications Will Always Lead to Addiction

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel emphasizes that when taken as prescribed and under the guidance of a healthcare provider, pain medications are generally safe and do not lead to addiction. It’s essential to follow recommended dosages and never misuse or abuse these medications.

Myth 11: Rest Is Always the Best Treatment for Pain

Truth: Rest can be beneficial for some types of pain, especially after an acute injury. However, Dr. Hitesh Patel explains that for certain chronic pain conditions, too much rest and inactivity can lead to muscle atrophy, stiffness, and a worsening of symptoms. In such cases, a balance between rest and appropriate physical activity is recommended.

Myth 12: Pain Is a Symptom That Can Be Easily Diagnosed

Truth: Diagnosing the cause of pain can be a complex process. Dr. Hitesh Patel emphasizes that some conditions have symptoms that overlap with other medical issues, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact cause of pain. A thorough evaluation, including diagnostic tests, is often required for an accurate diagnosis.

Myth 13: Pain Is Just an Inconvenience; It’s Not Serious

Truth: Pain should not be underestimated. Dr. Hitesh Patel points out that while some pain may be temporary and relatively minor, chronic and severe pain can significantly impact one’s overall health and quality of life. Ignoring pain can lead to long-term health consequences.

Myth 14: Pain Management Is Only for Older Adults

Truth: Pain can affect people of all ages. Dr. Hitesh Patel stresses that pain management is not limited to older adults. Children, adolescents, and young adults can also experience various types of pain, and timely intervention is essential to address their unique needs.

Myth 15: Pain Management Is Expensive and Unaffordable

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel highlights that pain management options vary, and not all treatments are prohibitively expensive. Many healthcare providers work with patients to find cost-effective solutions, and insurance plans often cover necessary pain management treatments.

Addressing pain effectively requires dispelling common myths and misconceptions. Dr. Hitesh Patel at Live Well Hospital underscores the importance of a well-rounded, personalized approach to pain management, focusing on the specific needs and conditions of each patient. By understanding the truths about pain, individuals can access the right treatments and support to improve their overall quality of life.


Dr. Hitesh Patel at Live Well Hospital in Ahmedabad dispels common myths about pain, emphasizing the need for a holistic understanding of pain and the importance of early intervention and appropriate pain management. It’s crucial to approach pain with a balanced perspective that takes into account both physical and emotional aspects, leading to more effective pain relief and improved quality of life.

Myth 1: No Pain, No Gain

Truth: While this phrase is often used to motivate people during physical activities, it can lead to overexertion and injury if taken too literally. Dr. Hitesh Patel emphasizes the importance of understanding your body’s limits. Pushing through severe pain can cause serious harm, and it’s essential to differentiate between the discomfort associated with exercise and actual injury. Pain should not be ignored, but rather managed sensibly to prevent damage.

Myth 2: Pain Medication Is Always Addictive

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel explains that not all pain medications are highly addictive. There are different classes of pain relievers, and while some opioids have a higher potential for addiction, many others are non-addictive or have a lower risk when used as prescribed. Patients should work closely with their healthcare provider to find the most appropriate and safe pain management options for their specific condition.

Myth 3: Chronic Pain Is Just a Part of Aging

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel at Live Well Hospital stresses that while it’s true that some aches and pains can become more common as we age, chronic pain is not a normal part of the aging process. Pain, especially when persistent or severe, should not be dismissed as an inevitable consequence of growing older. It is often a sign of an underlying condition that can be effectively managed with proper medical care.

Myth 4: Pain Is Purely Physical

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel highlights the mind-body connection and the fact that pain is not solely a physical experience. Psychological and emotional factors can significantly influence one’s perception of pain. Conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress can amplify the intensity of pain, making it important to address the emotional aspects of pain for comprehensive pain management.

Myth 5: You Should Tough It Out and Not Seek Help for Pain

Truth: Dr. Hitesh Patel stresses the importance of seeking help for pain, especially when it is persistent or impacting your quality of life. Ignoring pain can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, potentially allowing underlying conditions to worsen. Early intervention can often lead to better outcomes and improved pain management.

Myth 6: Pain Is Always a Symptom of a Specific Injury

Truth: Not all pain is directly related to an injury. Dr. Hitesh Patel explains that pain can result from various factors, including chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, neuropathy, or even emotional distress. It’s essential to consider the broader context when assessing and managing pain, as the source may not always be a clear injury or physical trauma.

Myth 7: Pain Is All in Your Head

Truth: While psychological factors can influence pain perception, it’s crucial to recognize that pain is a real and valid experience. Dr. Hitesh Patel emphasizes the importance of not dismissing someone’s pain by attributing it solely to their mental state. Pain is a complex interplay of physical, emotional, and psychological factors, and it should be addressed and managed accordingly.



Live Well Hospital in Ahmedabad, managed by Dr. Hitesh Patel, offers the best services for slipped disc treatment, with an emphasis on pain management and spine surgery. A slipped disc is a common condition that can cause immense pain and discomfort, and it is caused when one of the intervertebral discs in your spine becomes displaced or herniated. Symptoms of a slipped disc include back pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.

The most common symptoms of a slipped disc are back pain, leg weakness, and loss of movement in the back or legs. Other symptoms include numbness or tingling in the legs. The most severe symptoms may be continued pain despite treatment. If you have any concerns about your health, contact your doctor immediately.

Treatment for a slipped disc usually involves pain management with medications, physical therapy, and sometimes spine surgery if the condition does not improve with other treatments. The most common treatment for a slipped disc is rest, and it is important to wait until the pain resolves. A slipped disc sometimes heals on its own, and in other cases, it may need to be surgically removed—a discectomy. If conservative care fails, surgery may be necessary.

Live Well Hospital offers the best services for slipped disc treatment with spine surgery, using spine endoscopy and sometimes open surgery. Spine surgery has many benefits, especially when it comes to preventing a variety of potentially serious complications or consequences of traditional surgery. By opting for a minimally-invasive approach that uses sophisticated technology, spine surgery can help reduce the risks associated with traditional procedures and provide a far greater degree of safety for the patient.

If you are looking for the best hospital in Gujarat for slipped disc treatment, contact Live Well Hospital for more information on 9825040252, or visit their website at You can also check out their YouTube channel at

How are headaches diagnosed?

When you experience a headache, you should consult a doctor about it. The doctor will conduct a physical examination, discuss your symptoms and medical history to evaluate the causes of your headache. The doctor may also conduct neurological tests if necessary.

Types of headaches

You would be surprised to know that 150 different types of headaches exist, and they categorized into two main types, primary and secondary.

A few examples of primary type can be tension headaches, migraine headaches, cluster headaches, headaches caused by alcohol, certain type of food, posture, etc. They are not usually dangerous, but can affect your daily activities.

Secondary headaches are usually a symptom of an underlying condition. Headaches caused by sinus, dehydration, medication overuse, etc. can be resolved once you get treatment for that condition. Some type of secondary headaches that can be serious are spinal headaches and thunderclap headaches.


It is a painful sensation that you feel in any region of your head. The pain can range from light to extreme. A headache can appear suddenly or build gradually and can last for hours or days. Headaches can be of different types, but the most common ones are caused due to stress. Since headaches are very common you tend to ignore them, but some headaches can be a symptom of an underlying disease/ condition.

Pain management in Ahmedabad is getting better with latest treatment and technology.
Slipped disc or herniated disc is a painful condition where the soft inner material of the spinal disc
bulges out, pressing against nearby nerves. It can lead to severe back pain, tingling, numbness, and
weakness in the affected area. While painkillers and physiotherapy can offer some relief, epidural
injections can be a highly effective treatment for slipped discs.
At Livewell Hospital, the best hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Dr. Hitesh  Patel specializes in
epidural injections for slipped discs. The procedure involves injecting a corticosteroid and local
anaesthetic medication into the epidural space surrounding the spinal cord. The medication helps to
reduce inflammation and provide long-term pain relief.
Epidural injections are a better option than taking painkillers for long-term pain relief as they have
fewer side effects and are more effective in targeting the source of the pain. Painkillers can cause
nausea, drowsiness, and other side effects, while epidural injections provide targeted relief without
causing significant side effects.
Epidural injections are also a non-surgical treatment option that can avoid the risks associated with
surgery. While surgery may be necessary in some cases, epidural injections can be an effective first-
line treatment for many patients with slipped discs.
In conclusion, epidural injections can provide significant relief for those suffering from the pain of a
slipped disc. At Livewell Hospital, Dr. Hitesh Patel is an expert in this procedure and can help
patients manage their pain and regain their quality of life. If you are suffering from a slipped disc,
contact Livewell Hospital to discuss the benefits of epidural injections as a treatment option.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic condition that can cause severe and debilitating facial pain. Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that has been found to be an effective treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. LiveWell Hospital in Gujarat offers radiofrequency ablation of trigeminal neuralgia, providing an effective and long-lasting solution for those suffering from this condition. This treatment has been found to provide relief from the pain associated with trigeminal neuralgia and improve the quality of life for those who suffer from it. By utilizing the latest technology, LiveWell Hospital in Gujarat is able to provide a safe and effective solution to those who suffer from this condition.

In Radiofrequency Ablation procedure, a thin needle is inserted through the nose to deliver currents of electricity to the trigeminal nerve. By delivering this treatment in this particular manner, it is easier for the physician to reach the pain site, which is foramen Ovale The physician can also reduce risk of complications that may arise from accessing the area through surgery. For example, if one were to undergo a surgical procedure that would require cutting through bone and nerves with instruments and drills, there is a high risk of infection or nerve damage.

At Livewell Hospital, which is the best hospital for trigeminal Neuralgia treatment in Gujarat, we do treat many patients with trigeminal neuralgia, our doctor, Dr Hitesh Patel is the most experienced doctor of trigeminal Neuralgia treatment in Gujarat.

Neuropathic pain treatment

The first line of treatment are usually antidepressant and anticonvulsant drugs. Some doctors also suggest strong painkillers. 

If the neuropathic pain is caused by some other condition, then treatment of that condition may release this pain. If that condition is managed effectively then it may prevent future pain as well.

If the cases are difficult to treat a pain specialist is appointed to manage the pain effectively. He may use an implantable or invasive device. 

Other common treatments used are physical therapy, relaxation therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, etc.

LiveWell Pain & Spine Hospital India is a new, dedicated facility conveniently located in the heart of Ahmedabad City, Gujarat offering best possible remedy for curing pain. It has a state-of-the-art procedure suite enabling most procedures to be performed on the premises.

Contact Us

Livewell Pain & Spine Hospital
5th Floor Rudra Arcade B, Helmet Circle, Memnagar,
Ahmadabad 380 052, Gujarat, INDIA.

+91 98250 40252 , +91 98240 90435
+91 79 4030 3031

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